Retreat & Healing Center

Truly Loving

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Our vision on healing

Love is still the answer

Move from not feeling good to feeling whole, for you already are!

In our paths to healing, we are seeking for this feeling of being whole and being able to be 100% ourselves, without compromise. In our core lies an unimaginable amount of love.

The words healing, holy and whole are related to one another.

We have done a lot of shadow work, trauma release, changing limiting beliefs, and it has been a rewarding job. We are understanding now, however, that in our core we already are whole. Nothing needs to be fixed, or changed. Accepting who you are right now, changes everything. It is the only limiting belief that ‘needs’ to be changed.

And that sense of being whole can be felt when we soften ourselves from a place of love. When you are unable to give that to yourself yet, we can help you get to that feeling.

We Are

Life is magical!


The one thing I wish for everyone is to completely leave the fight/flight mode and move from 'surviving' to joyful living. In day-to-day life, so many things seem to be threatening. Money is threatening (you might lose it), no money is threatening, people are threatening (they might not like you) and so on.

I like to bring people back to their relaxed, natural, free, joyful and confident self. This is a journey of complete acceptance and self-love.

I provide the required mental clarity, and the safety that comes with that, to guide you to this place of self-love without any self-rejection along the way. So often on the path to self-love, we fall into the pitfall of self-rejecting because "I should be more loving by now!". I will help you soften into self-love and acceptance rather than fight your way to it.

Go to my personal website
Love yourself


In my gene keys, my vocation and life’s work are universal love and empathy. This can really be felt by the people around me, and those who come to the Truly Loving Center. This also shows in the reviews: “Renate pours her heart into the ceremonies and creates a loving atmosphere for everyone to get a safe setting for the best possible journey.” I work and live more and more intuitively, which always results in the best outcome for everyone. It shows in the wisdom I can share, that I work from a place of universal love (which is my SQ/heart in the gene keys). Apart from that, I also sing from the heart during the plant medicine journeys. I can also speak light language, which activates whatever needs activation in your system. I am also following a healing course, where I learn to deepen my connection to my guides and work together with them on gaining clarity and activating healing in your body.

Apart from guiding plant medicine ceremonies, the guiding part works through in all parts of my life. I find myself getting complimented about being an inspiration to others around me.

Go to my personal website

Truly Loving Podcast

Listen to our guidance, advice, preparation and integration tips, ingrained with our personal experiences in our podcasts on our Spotify channel.

Here we introduce ourselves further, share our vision for Truly Loving and provide guided meditations.

Go to our Podcast

What we offer



What psilocybin does, is opening you up to parts of yourself you have been cut off from. There is a lot more in your subconscious than you realize and psilocybin opens the gateway to your subconscious.

Once you’re able to access your subconscious again, you can change perspectives and change your limiting beliefs, because you can enter universal truth.

The psilocybin we use come from the magic Truffle, which works the same as the psilocybin mushrooms. The truffles are legal in the Netherlands.

Go to our psilocybin retreats

Psilohuasca and/or psilocybin

We combine the magic truffles (psilocybin) with a MAOi, a component of ayahuasca. This component enhances and elongates the workings of psilocybine, and creates more of a journey.

The MAOi creates a wave-like movement in your psilocybin journey, which makes it possible to dive even deeper with each wave. Therefore, you can explore even more of your subconscious, and if you want: the universe, during a psilohuasca journey.

We usually offer psilohuasca during weekend retreats with two ceremonies. However, it is also very much possible to skip the MAO and choose for only psilocybin instead.

Go to our psilohuasca retreats


Most people experience a psychedelic experience as life changing and it can feel strange to go back to your normal daily routine. And after a few months, when you have found yourself back in your daily routine, it can sometimes seem as if nothing has changed.

Having our own experiences with plant medicine, we know the importance of integration. It is key to understand how to implement your psychedelic experiences into your daily life.

Whether you’ve had your psychedelic experience with us or not, that doesn’t matter. We are open to help anyone who needs guidance for their integration.

Go to our integration coaching

Our Reviews