Psilohuasca and/or psilocybin


You are very welcome in our small, homey, psychedelic center, where our maximum capacity is 4 people. Including us (Martijn and Renate as your guides) that makes 6 people in total, which ensures you’ll get a lot of personal attention, coaching and guidance during the weekend. We have a very personal approach and really want to get to know you and help and guide you through your journey, as well as assist you in the phase of life you are in right now. It doesn’t matter if you’re dealing with a depression or grief of a loved one (or loved ones) and/or do psychedelics for the first time, or you’ve been on a spiritual journey for decades and/or an experienced traveler (in psychedelics). Everyone is welcome (except when (mental) health issues rule you out from taking psychedelics, which we will ensure during our intake procedure).

So, about this intake procedure: we already want to get to know you and to introduce ourselves to you before your weekend retreat starts. We have an intake form, and after reviewing that, we plan an intake call (online). This way we can all feel comfortable and confident that we are the right place for you to embark on your psychedelic journey.

After that, we will finalize your booking/reservation and a week before your journey we send you the final details about the last part of your journey to our center (we have a pick-up service from the nearest train station to the center), we inform you about the diet you should stick to in the final days before the retreat and give some advice on what to pack for your stay at our center.


The weekend starts at 14:00 on a Friday and ends on Sunday around noon. During the weekend, we will have 2 ceremonies where we will give you the psychedelics: on Friday evening and on Saturday afternoon/evening. This can be either just Psilocybin in the form of truffle tea (which is legal in the Netherlands), or Psilohuasca (which is Psilocybin combined with the Ayahuasca component MAO, which enhances the Psilocybin). During the ceremonies you lie on a mattress with an eye mask for optimal experience for going inward. We provide music, a safe space, distance when necessary, whispered advice or a comforting hand or shoulder to cry on when needed. What we also provide is a mother and father energy, a feminine and masculine energy, we can be anything you need us to represent for you during your journey. We are present with you.

After both ceremonies we share a light dinner together and after that we all go to sleep. In the morning we have breakfast together. After breakfast we all sit down and share about the journeys, where we can give you advice, ask you questions and present insights and information that can help you for the next journey and with integration when going back to your daily life. On Saturday during the day we also go for a walk to take in some fresh air. After that we start preparing the next ceremony, where you can have some time for yourself (or with the others of the group, that’s up to you). On Sunday we take a group picture after the sharing, we say goodbye and if necessary we bring you back to the nearest train station.

After you leave the center, we will send you an e-mail with the music playlists, any group photos that have been taken by us, and we will give you advice on the first few days and weeks of integration of your psychedelic journeys.


We know how life changing psychedelics can be (or better said: usually are), so we know the importance of integration. During the entire weekend we give you insights and advice based on what you tell us about your life and what you share about your psychedelic experiences during the weekend. That is already a really good start for your integration. Still, it can be quite strange to go back to your normal daily routine. Therefore, we are available for small questions about integration after your retreat, and we also offer integration coaching when you feel you need more help integrating your experiences.


€900,- per person for a weekend retreat

€3200,- for a private weekend retreat


Before we can fully confirm your booking, we require an intake procedure which consists of filling in an intake form, and a +- 1 hour intake call in which we can get to know each other, talk about your specific case and answer any questions you might still have.

Click the button below to go to our intake form:

Go to intake form

For questions or requests, you can also send us a message:

Contact us